20 Wineries to Enjoy in a Walk Around Setting
Participating Wineries and Breweries
Previous Participating Wineries:
Black Vette Winery
Bonitata Boutique Wines
Cante Ao Vinho
Casque Wines
Ciotti Cellars
Davis Dean Cellars
Dono Dal Cielo Winery
Dora Dain Wines
Fawnridge Winery
Lone Buffalo Vineyards
Mount Saint Joseph Wines
PaZa Estate Winery
Pescatore Vineyards
Rancho Roble Vineyards
Secret Ravine Vineyards
Wise Villa Winery
Learn more about the Placer Wine Trail here
Previous Participating Breweries:
Boochcraft Hard Kombucha
Buonarroti’s Ristorante
Double Barrel Smokehouse
Dueling Dogs
Loomis Basin Brewery
A Wine Adventure
Lincoln Wine Fest is a community-friendly sip, stroll and shop festival that gives the unique opportunity to taste wines from Placer County while shopping and tasting at various Downtown Lincoln retailers.
Beer Garden
Beer at a wine festival? Why not! Breweries from Placer County are enjoyed in a setting with other breweries so you can try them all together. Here is a chance to some new beers and hopefully find new favorites.